Saturday, 20 September 2014

家烹古晉乾撈麵 Homecooked Kuching Kolo Mee

Kolo Mee is said to be endemic to Kuching, but its popularity has spread to other towns in Sarawak in the 80’s – 90’s and even across the South China Sea to the West Malaysia as well as Singapore in the recent years. 

Available in two styles, dry or in soup; this ubiquitous curly, springy and oily noodle is part of the Kuchingnites’ lives; they eat Kolo Mee for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and supper!  For those who live abroad like Bunny, flying back from Kuching with a few packets of Kolo Mee in our luggage is a must-do.

There is a saying of “Kolo Mee does not taste like Kolo Mee unless it is eaten in Kuching” – quite true but Bunny dismissed it today with her heavenly tasty home-cooked Kolo Mee.  Many thanks to a friend who recently came back from Kuching and brought Bunny a packet of dried noodle which is for Kolo Mee.

Once all the miscellaneous ingredients are prepared, cooking and tossing of the noodle are relatively easy steps. In Singapore, Wanton noodle is a good substitution for the curly Kolo Mee noodle.  If you are adventurous in trying out this dish at home, you may refer here for details of ingredients and preparation methods.  Like Bunny, you may choose not to make the Cha Siew yourself, just get from the hawker.  Remember to ask for the Cha Siew sauce for adding to the noodle if you fancy slightly sweet version of Kolo Mee.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Big Mulberry Jam Cookies 大桑椹果醬曲奇餅

It all began on 9 May 2014, the night when Bunny’s Big Brother came over to give her a tutorial on “big A, small A” (Aperture – still very confused which is which today!) as Bunny has always been fascinated by those pictures with soft-soft dreamy-dreamy effect.  Big Brother left his macro lens and tripod with Bunny, before he went home that night, he said to Bunny “…so tomorrow, you bake some cookies, put them in a plate, focus on the one in the centre and shoot.”


These fast and easy big cookies (6cm diameter) were sandwiched using mulberry jam made by Bunny's Mama.

Bunny’s Papa is an expert in growing mulberries.  Homegrown mulberries, this picture was taken by Mama back in May.

Cookies in the making, Bunny received a message from Big Brother saying she could have the lens and tripod for good (think he made this an excuse to get more toys for himself).  Yiippee!!!

Can you guess who ate most of these?

Sunday, 14 September 2014

客家妹版本的福州紅糟麵綫Hakka Girl’s Version of Foo Chow Ang Chow Mee Sua

Bunny harvested her first batch of homebrewed sweet red glutinous rice wine yesterday.  Like what others normally do to the wine lees (residual from fermented glutinous rice and dead yeast), Bunny turned them into yummy Ang Chow paste for cooking.
Ang Chow Mee Sua (a type of vermicelli) is one of the signature dishes of the Foo Chows, usually served and eaten on birthday, confinement, as well as first day of Chinese New Year.  Bunny personally loves this dish on cold wet evenings but served this for lunch today with two guests over at Bunny's burrow.
(Makes 4 servings)

1 tablespoon of sesame oil
A few slices of old ginger, smashed
5 cloves of garlic, smashed
Spring onion (only the white part)
3 tablespoons of Ang Chow paste
2 teaspoons of sugar
4 chicken legs, each chopped into 3 pieces
120g fresh black fungus
½ cup of rice wine
1 litre of boiling water
Chinese celery (optional)
1 skein of mee sua per serving
Sweet red glutinous rice wine

Directions for Ang Chow Chicken Soup
Heat up wok, fry ginger, garlic and spring onion with sesame oil until golden brown
Add in chicken, fresh black fungus and Ang Chow paste, fry until fragrant
Add sugar, salt and rice wine, fry until chicken is cooked; transfer to a pot if necessary
Pour in boiling water and boil the soup over low heat for about an hour, add salt to flavor if necessary

Directions for Mee Sua

The way to prepare Mee Sua is subjective to personal preference and type of mee sua used.  Bunny usually soaked them in boiling water for about 3 min, drained and dipped in cold water for a few minute to loosen them up and improve their texture.  Drain Mee Sua using a sieve.

Direction for Serving

Put Mee Sua in a bowl, add in Ang Chow Chicken soup followed by some sweet red glutinous rice wine and garnish with Chinese celery.

Bon Appetit!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

甜紅糯米酒的首釀經驗 First Sweet Red Glutinous Rice Wine Brewing Experience

這不是金魚缸, 但它比金魚缸有趣得多!

兔在首釀日後的十天裏,每天都迫不及待等下班回家看它。晚上洗完了澡後,會把這暖暖的大玻璃瓶抱到餐桌上,注視哪一個個冒起來的可愛泡泡,同時,把耳朵拉長聼它們pop! pop! pop!的聲音。這樣就逗了兔一整個晚上。

上個月中突然心血來潮想學釀糯米酒。不得了了!上網查呀查的,看來看去怎麽沒有一個食譜是有相同做法的呢??? 滿腦是問號。。。。。。

要噴水不要噴水? 噴水要用自來水還是煮過的水?冷水還是熱水?
於是,兔做了一個很簡單的動作,疑問就全解決了- - 哪就是搖個越洋電話回家去問兔的老爸!老爸不管教兔做什麽,兔都得挨他的聲聲nga-moi , nga-moi” (客家話的“傻女”)稱呼的。

兔的老爸這位釀酒師傅可就厲害啦!怎麽說厲害呢? 就是今天問他, 他說這樣。明天兔再問他,他說哪樣。後天再問,答案又再不同了。唯一相同的,就是哪句“nga-moi”和“妳自己看看,要記得作筆記”。

兔才明白,是真的沒有一個Step1 to Step10 固定的步驟。大概明白原理,曉得估計會發生什麽事,其餘的都要靠釀酒人的判斷能力。所以釀酒人不必比方法步驟,因爲沒有一套絕對最好的釀糯米酒方法,只要方法可以釀出香醇的好酒,哪就行了。


古老的方法-- 用太陽殺菌。








Sunday, 7 September 2014

古早味: 雞仔餅 Traditional Flavour: Crispy Kampar Chicken Biscuits (Kai Zai Peng)



玛芝林 60
食油 60
细砂糖 50 (原食譜用100克)
糖粉 50 (原食譜都是細沙糖。糖粉可以使餅乾更脆)
麦芽糖 1汤匙 (兔改用水麥芽)
南乳 2小块
AA鸡蛋 1

冬瓜糖 150克(切碎)
蒜茸 40克(切碎)
白芝麻粒 120
五香粉 半茶匙
胡椒粉 半茶匙
麻油 1茶匙
330 } 过筛
發粉 1茶匙 } 过筛
臭粉(ammonia bicarbonate1/4茶匙

Golden syrup 與清水 11



Tuesday, 2 September 2014

姜醋豬腳 Black Vinegar and Ginger Pig's Trotters

兩個星期前,兔在TangsLe Creuset“紅色”促銷優惠活動買了一個Marmite鍋。前天(星期天31/8)煮了好吃的廣東名菜姜醋豬腳,順便給新鍋子“開鍋”(此鍋其實完全不必開鍋的)。雖是忙了一整大半天,但還是值得因爲慢火熬了近三個小時的姜醋汁真的太美味了

鍋子好不好用的最好方式,測試1的結論是--- 好得沒話説,一點也不粘鍋!

姜炒至金黃色後把整瓶的甜醋倒入鍋内,用慢火熬一個小時。這是測試2,鍋子的black enamel  外層是不怕酸性腐蝕的。

豬手1公斤,水煮蛋隨意,750ml水,信隆甜醋一瓶(750ml, 600克,黑糖100克,麻油6湯匙,鹽少許
1. 將豬手處理乾淨,渄水 (兔還把豬手乾煎,讓皮口感更好)
2. 拍碎姜後用麻油炒香
3. 把黑醋,水及黑糖加放入2後,用滿火熬一個小時
4. 將豬手及蛋加入3慢火熬至肉鬆軟 (姜醋汁很多,兔剝好的幾顆雞蛋蛋黃微露,不得已把蛋分開滷,為免把一整鍋的汁弄得混濁)
